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Thanks to Kev and Roy for the vid’.

The revival of a legendary spot

Good things are going on in L.A. and the reopening of the West LA Courthouse past July is one of them. During the late 90’s this street spot became really popular among skaters. Locals and pros were enjoying the multitude of ledges, empty fountain, four stair set and stage. Alec Beck, Aaron Snyder and the Stoner Skatepark Association were instrumental in making the Courthouse a legal skate spot again. They approached the city and Nike SB to make it all happen. So Nike took the occasion of the “Go Skateboarding Day” to restorate and re-opened to public this iconic spot.

Nike Opening past July 25, 2014.


Copyrights: John Pangilinan and Charlie Lopez (#axis_photography) courtesy of Nike SB. Featuring Eric Koston, Paul Rodriguez, Luan Oliveira, Theotis Beasley , Council members…etc.

>> More info by The Hundreds.

What the Homies say about it…

Brent Strittmater
“First thing that comes to mind is the perfect blue ledges there that the city actually made legal to skate and second… I don’t want to ever be there for any other reason besides skating haha”

Kevin Wisleder
“I picture it as the Nike spot for technical skaters who like to film ledge lines.”

Wanna see more? Find them on KRAK!